Zygoma All-on-4
If you’ve been told that you’re not a good candidate for dental implants due to bone loss in the upper jaw, and that an uncomfortable denture or bone augmentation (sinus lift) are your only remaining options, you’ll be happy to hear that Zygoma All-on-4 implants are suitable for everyone!
Are the Ortoimplant Dental SPA Clinic doctors well-experienced in implantology?
Dr Trampuš and his team of dental experts have advanced professional degrees and international certificates, as well as decades of experience in implantology.
Am I a suitable candidate for dental implants?
Whether we’re dealing with complete edentulism or a single missing tooth, implantology is the best solution. Only implants will restore the feeling of having natural teeth!
Why are Noris Medical dental implants used at Ortoimplant?
Noris Medical is a leading manufacturer of high-quality dental implants that are reliable, safe, and especially appropriate for “immediate loading” (placing implants and teeth in one day).
Who is an ideal candidate for the Zygoma All-on-4 procedure?
In a word, everyone. Jawbone atrophy is not an obstacle because the Zygoma All-on-4 procedure only requires a minimal amount of bone. If a patient has not had a tumour or systemic disease treated with drugs (bisphosphonates), the Zygoma All-on-4 procedure can always be performed.
Is it possible to carry out the procedure on both jaws on the same day?
Thanks to the all-in-one dental treatment approach and state-of-the-art technology, the procedure can easily be carried out on both jaws in one day with excellent results. The Ortoimplant team will be with you throughout the procedure, making sure that you feel comfortable and safe.
How long does it take to recover from a Zygoma All-on-4 procedure?
The recovery period following a Zygoma All-on-4 procedure varies, but it generally unfolds in the following way: painkillers are taken for two to three days, the swelling varies but returns to normal within three to five days, patients can return to work two to three days after the procedure and normal physical activity can resume at about the same time.
What is the difference between the Zygoma All-on-4 method and a denture?
A denture is a prosthetic device, which the patient removes for cleaning and maintenance. It is made of acrylic resin with ready-made teeth, and is fastened with clasps that hold the crowns. Zygoma All-on-4 is an affordable and proven alternative that uses four implants to replace a full set of teeth, thus restoring the look and function of natural teeth.
How painful is the Zygoma All-on-4 procedure?
Thanks to our unique Dental SPA approach, pain and discomfort are completely eliminated. Our patients claim that postoperative pain is negligible, compared to toothache, for example. Taking a pill that helps relieve a headache is usually sufficient. Surgical implant placement is less aggressive than tooth extraction. Implants are placed under local anaesthesia, so there is no feeling of pain, while patients who are more anxious can opt for sedation.
I was told I have a large loss of bone mass and it will take months before I can wear artificial teeth. What is the solution?
Thanks to the design and function of the Zygoma All-on-4 implants, bone augmentation is only rarely required. If there is a significant bone loss in the upper jaw, we recommend the Zygoma All-on-4 procedure, which is used for more complicated cases.
How strong will my new teeth be?
Will I be able to chew better?
You will be able to eat without fear of your teeth falling out or getting lost. The strength of the bite with implants is significantly higher than with dentures. The new bridge supports implants that are cleaned like natural teeth, with brushing and flossing.
What can I eat after surgery?
A modified diet is required for a period of two to six months, until you receive your permanent fixed teeth. In the meantime, you can eat anything that can be cut with a fork, as temporary crowns are made to last for several months.
Warranty on the Zygoma All-on-4 method
We offer a unique warranty policy in Europe!
You will never have additional dental costs if we take care of your teeth together – we provide comprehensive lifelong monitoring.
Ortoimplant Dental SPA offers unique care to all its patients with All-on-4 / All-on-6 / Zygoma / pterygoid implants.
In order to ensure carefree use and lifelong satisfaction with their dental work, patients should follow to a timetable of regular check-ups,* take care to remove dental plaque and maintain oral hygiene.
* To ensure the longevity of implants and prosthetic work, patients should visit the Ortoimplant Dental SPA clinic for a check-up every 12 months.
Advantages of the Zygoma All-on-4 method
The Zygoma All-on-4 procedure has an almost 100-percent success rate, and bone grafting or sinus lifting is no longer required.
With zygomatic implants, surgical trauma is reduced to a minimum and the recovery time is short.
Patients quickly return to their daily activities.
Patients tolerate this procedure very well, as it is completely painless and very fast.
The procedure is also suitable for patients with diabetes, osteoporosis, or diseases where bone replacement might be contraindicated.
Patients find it easier to maintain oral hygiene, which is maintained in the same way as with natural teeth.
Your “third set of teeth” looks perfectly natural!